Sun September 08 2024 - Sat September 14 2024
Look for a need to make sure to keep your positive flow going. Others may require your attention & understanding in a domestic situation. Be careful not to say something that you'll be sorry for later. Keep expenses low as higher-ups may question them. You may need to do a little public relations to satisfy them. Show our colors, as long as you have nothing to hide. Chance meetings will allow the surge of a new fresh relationship. Share some quality time & realize how special you feel for each other. Your entire outlook will be transformed, from being a victim to being a victor. Don't allow negative comments you hear to discourage your progress.
Focus on your keen understanding of how effective teamwork can be. You can enhance business, career & prestige in the community. Higher-ups may request your time. Listen to other's ideas on how to handle the situation & plan your strategy, accordingly. Sometimes you may feel as if you can conquer anything and maybe you can, but remember to thank those who have helped you on your way. They need to feel your respect & your love. They'll feel it best if you show it through your actions, not just your words.
Look for the rediscovery of higher education & using reliable ideas to accomplish your goals. Miscommunications or misunderstandings may occur if you don't choose your words carefully. What solution that had long gone by the wayside, may now become a viable one. Listen to others with expertise to overcome distance & language problems. Your ability to communicate on many levels will help others to understand your motivations. Be sensitive to those who are affected by your acts. Let your flair for communications guide you through important negotiations & decisions.
Look for the fact that if you play your cards right, you could really become the talk of the town. Don't allow the exposure to be wasted, speak your mind & gain some important allies. There are so many things going on around you, that you may feel like running away from everything. Emotional & physical stress may make you feel a little down. Don't allow others to put you in the middle of their problems. When asked to give your opinion, express your feelings strongly & clearly. You can lend an ear to them but you cannot solve their problems for them, let them know that.
Focus on your ability to overcome new personal challenges and a new sense of direction. You may feel as if there are too many things to decide on. Take the time to read, write & express your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you may feel an awakening of ideas, you shared with someone, long ago. That person may remind you of something very important that you forgot. The stress that seemed so intense, lately, may lessen, as the week goes by. Take the time to enjoy all of those favorite things, that you really like to do. Don't be afraid to express yourself. You need to open your mind & your heart to someone who shares your goals.
Look for a restrictions free week for you. You may just find the answer to your personal & professional problems. Take your direction from the simple things in life. Your cycle will move up & you'll be able to rediscover yourself & what you need to feel happy. You need to work hard to achieve your immediate goals. People admire you for your determination. Sometimes you need to reward yourself for a job well done. This may also be a good time to add to your art collection, as your keen sense of valuables might just find a real treasure.
Look for an understanding that you have reached a real milestone in art, music or literature. You'll be impressed with a new discovery & will want to tell the whole world. Be it in a personal relationship or a business dealing, you will reach a very positive goal. Focus your energy in full force. You'll seem to have a keener understanding of how things work. Look behind the scenes & you'll see all of your options. Play your cards right & you may be celebrating true success. Bring people together by showing them interesting new lifestyle or way to work.
Look for personal relationships which will feel more positive than ever. Invest time with family members & you'll be creating great memories for everbody. Express your ideas with passion & you'll learn new ways to impress your style. Once you do, you'll be able to feel more confident in who you are. New friends can lead you to new avenues of social exposure. Be yourself & you'll be accepted & loved. Focus on a close relationship that could lead to love and marriage. Encourage others to enjoy themselves.
Focus on your ability to advance your creative ideas and concepts to those in power. Don't rush any decisions, play the waiting game. Recent events will make you aware of how precious life is. Exhibit benefits of a new venture. Verify accounting procedures, and make sure everything is on track. Stay focused on bringing your greatest asset to the forefront, your confidence. Once you feel confident in yourself, you will be able to influence others. Peers may try to question your authority, and reply with positive financial feedback.
Look for a need to collect & study facts & faces, you may be tested to remember, later. You are due to receive a gift or a bonus. Perform your heart out, and enjoy the limelight. Offers you receive may be exciting, but you will need time to digest all of the information you have received. Family members, co-workers will vie for your attention. Listen to them, but try not to get overwhelmed by the requests you receive. Help where you can, but don't put any of your own plans on hold. Express your inner thoughts & feelings to someone close to you. They will be able to help you deal with something that's very close to your heart.
Focus on your need to organize your financial and personal situation. Look over your personal papers, make budgets, and write everything down. You can get your point across and make valuable connections. Your personal life will stabilize. Don't be confrontational. You'll meet opposition if you try to push your ideas too much. Be observant and save your comments for a better time. You need to focus on your career. You'll accomplish the most if you travel for business. If you have an idea, present it. Don't take on too strenuous a task. Minor injury or exhaustion will result if you do.
Focus on your need to get things completed prior to starting your next project. You've gotten behind and need to get a better grasp of things. You usually work hard but lately, you've been very lax in matters of importance. Everyone is a specialist or is in need of one. Prove that you know more than your history suggests. Save time and money by drawing on the resources that you already possess. If this strategy has worked for you in the past, then it will probably work again. Strike a happy medium with authorities who are being too rigid about your boundaries. Thanks Astrological Forecasters Sun September 08 2024 - Sat September 14 2024 |